Attendees: Adams, Juana, Clark, Mitchell , Goldstein, Michael, Griffin, Amy, Hogarty, Lucinda, Litwin, Maggie, Mavani, Deepa, Shuttleworth, Katie, Vargas, Maribel, Chuang, Linus, Bolduc, Mick, Gonsalves, Lou, Anderson, Natalie

Mike Goldstein shared a multistate Call to Action Initiative. The group agreed that we would work on this to be timed with Adolescent Immunization Week, April 3-7. See attached draft of the letter.  We need CT-specific data to include. Then each organization sends it out to its own mailing list. The CT Cancer Partnership will send to its list. If members get more than one version of it, that is fine—it will reinforce the messaging.

Lucinda announced there will be an in-person summit entitled: HPV Vaccination: Progress and Challenges, held on Wed. June 7 from 8:30 – noon at the Pond House in Hartford. We have formed a planning group of Natalie, Maggie, Lucinda, and Katie to develop the program and announcements. Save the date!

Mitch talked about creating a slide deck for use by subject matter experts providing training at small group presentations, including office staff or non-clinicians. He will be working on that.

We still need to involve in this workgroup:  dentists, payers, pediatricians, FQHCs, possibly use schools and libraries as info distribution points, school nurses, head and neck practitioners, PCPs. Lucinda has connected with the CT Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

There was a discussion of the Connecticut Cancer Plan HPV Vaccination strategies by type:


  • BRFSS optional module
  • work with immunization registry data, peer comparison data

Provider- or System- Focused Activity

  • Professional Education (announcement approach, toolkits). The Call to Action addresses this.
  • Provider office systems, for reminders

PR: Patient/Public Focused-e.g. “HPV is Cancer Prevention”

Collaboration: Colleges, dental association or schools, school nurses, health districts, pharmacies, other. The outreach to the Univ. of Bridgeport addresses this.

Workgroup Leadership: Mitch Clark and Maggie Litwin volunteered to be co-chairs of the workgroup. Thank you!

Subgroups were created:

  • Planning for June 7 Summit: Natalie, Maggie, Lucinda, Katie
  • Call to Action letter: Mike, Deepa, Natalie, Katie
  • College Outreach to Univ. of Bridgeport: Mitch, Maggie, Krissy, Katie

Next steps:

  • Who else should be involved? Please provide names and contact info.
  • Data specific to Connecticut to be inserted in call to action letter and then letter to be circulated to all of our mailing lists.
  • Next meeting on April 19 by Zoom, noon. (Please indicate if that time works for you)