
Prevention is focused on tobacco use, poor diet, physical inactivity, and HPV vaccination. There is an HPV Workgroup and Colorectal Workgroup currently working on the implementation initiative.

DPH Commissioner on HPV

Developing and maintaining healthful habits and behaviors, especially not using tobacco, being physically active, and eating a healthful diet can prevent many cancers. Evidence suggests that tobacco smoking causes about 90% of lung cancers and one-third of all cancer deaths, and another one-third of all cancers may be due to poor diet, lack of physical activity, and related obesity.

In addition, the Prevention Committee is working to coordinate efforts among its partners to address other risk factors, embracing the chronic disease common risk factor/ chronic disease reduction approach.

The prevention goal for the 2014-2017 Connecticut Cancer Plan is: Primary prevention of cancer through healthy living is addressed at all levels across the state. Click on the link below to access the Prevention chapter of the Connecticut Cancer Plan.

The Continuum of Cancer Control: Prevention